T his page briefly explains in general what to expect from Narcotics Anonymous. It describes what NA is, what NA does, and does not do. Here we have tried to answer the commonly-asked questions we ourselves had, when we first came to NA. Most of the information is available in more detail in literature published by NA World Services. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us.

Meetings can be found on the Meetings menu above or on this page.
There are many different kinds of NA meetings. Some are topic discussion meetings, some are speaker meetings, some are literature discussion meetings and some are part of or combinations of these and other variations. Some are open to the public (to listen) and others are for addicts only. Unless they are addicts and there for their own recovery, there are no counselors or professions present at closed meetings. NA meetings are run by addicts for addicts. Regardless of format, NA meetings usually start with readings from our literature. Addicts share their successes and challenges in overcoming active addiction and living drug-free productive lives through application of the principles contained within the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of NA.
You are welcome to attend one of our open Meetings, but we ask that you just listen and then get with someone after the meeting. If you have questions about what is addiction, please read NA Bulletin #17 “What is addiction?”.
Visit this page for some more information also.
Most of the information is available in more detail in literature published by NA World Services. This page tells what to expect from Narcotics Anonymous. It describes what NA is, What NA does, and what NA does not do.